For Father’s Day: Kevin FitzPatrick’s “Bicycle Spring”

It’s been an eventful June so far for me, and I plan to be writing like a real blogger about what I’ve experienced in the last couple of weeks shortly. Then too, just this week I started working on a few further Parlando audio pieces. At least one may make the cut to appear here in the next few days.

This weekend is Father’s Day, and a new musical piece that I thought I’d present for that turned out too rough, even for my tastes. So, here’s a well-loved poem by Kevin FitzPatrick that alternate Parlando Project voice Dave Moore performed with The LYL Band a couple of years ago. It seems apropos. Kevin’s books of poetry are available from this website: Today’s poem appears in his 1987 collection Down on the Corner.

“Bicycle Spring”  was first presented here in 2022, but for today’s post I remastered it and made this little video for it. Here it is:


Wishing my versatile readers and listeners a happy Summer.

One thought on “For Father’s Day: Kevin FitzPatrick’s “Bicycle Spring”

  1. I enjoyed this post. If you are ever looking for blog topics, I would be very interested in hearing your interfaces with copyright laws. I know in the project you use public domain works for the most part. What would be the consequences (if any) of using copyrighted work in the project? On platforms like Twitch (bought by Amazon in 2014) they aggressively mute content that may fall under copyright. I haven’t seen WordPress doing that, yet it is an issue that is out there. Thanks for all you do on this blog. Your work is appreciated.


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